I want everyone to know that DF is a collective project that anyone in the Buffalo area can be a major part of. I welcome everyone's thoughts and ideas. I want peoples help with this.
For instance since this Bike Tag idea formed Mike has been a great deal of help and tons of fun to be around. We have a lot in the works and could use some help. So if you want to get involved get a hold of me!
Also I've run into Benji a lot lately and his Capture the Flag on bikes idea has sparked yet another fun game that is being worked on right now. Another main contributor to this idea was Jess Mills.
Buffalo Blue Bikes (http://www.buffalobluebicycle.org/) is a great place to hang out and learn about bikes and keep up to date on the Buffalo bike culture.
Blue Bicycle Workshop
Open Shop
Date: Tuesdays
Time: 7:30pm-?
Where: 98 Colvin Ave
Date: Thursdays
Time: 7:30pm-?
Date: Sundays
Time: 1:00pm-?
A few things I need help organizing:
-Name change of blog
-Designing and printing shirts
-Capture the Flag
-Weekly Food/Hangout ride
-Movie screenings of bike films
-Designing new spoke card for Bike Tag
-And many more things to come in the near future
-Oh of course all of your ideas too!
I know it may not be the most exciting or comfortable thing to do in this weather, BUT
Get out show the city some love and get involved!