Monday, February 16, 2009


So I was going to post a bunch of old photos that I got around to editing last night while eating delicious roasted marshmallows dipped in fondue chocolate, but I just realized I no longer have a card reader because the Fedexkinkos employee that printed out the Bike tag spoke cards for me neglected to return my card and the reader I supplied with it. A little upset at my own loss, but I am so happy that people really like the bike tag idea. I have handed out around 30 cards now. They all don't have owners, but will in the next couple of days. I think about 13 people are riding with the green game cards now. Tomorrow I am going to tag someone and get this game out of my hands and into the participants. Again if you tag someone it would be really nice to give them a small prize. Such as a piece of candy, a dollar bill, etc. I will have the photos up tomorrow hopefully.

Also we are working on a short trailer for the March All City race. It should be up in the next week or so. Keep an eye out!

Word on the street is:
Bike Polo starts this Saturday. I'll have more info up when I know a bit more.

Ps. Don't be afraid to get a hold of me and help out. The more help the better and the more people involved the better. Tell all of your friends.

Watch your back..,

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