Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Clearing Things Up

I want everyone to know that DF is a collective project that anyone in the Buffalo area can be a major part of. I welcome everyone's thoughts and ideas. I want peoples help with this.

For instance since this Bike Tag idea formed Mike has been a great deal of help and tons of fun to be around. We have a lot in the works and could use some help. So if you want to get involved get a hold of me!

Also I've run into Benji a lot lately and his Capture the Flag on bikes idea has sparked yet another fun game that is being worked on right now. Another main contributor to this idea was Jess Mills.

Buffalo Blue Bikes ( is a great place to hang out and learn about bikes and keep up to date on the Buffalo bike culture.
Blue Bicycle Workshop
Open Shop
Date: Tuesdays
Time: 7:30pm-?
Where: 98 Colvin Ave
Date: Thursdays
Time: 7:30pm-?
Date: Sundays
Time: 1:00pm-?

A few things I need help organizing:
-Name change of blog
-Designing and printing shirts
-Capture the Flag
-Weekly Food/Hangout ride
-Movie screenings of bike films
-Designing new spoke card for Bike Tag
-And many more things to come in the near future
-Oh of course all of your ideas too!

I know it may not be the most exciting or comfortable thing to do in this weather, BUT
Get out show the city some love and get involved!


It's Official!

Bike Tag is a hit! The cards are almost all gone and out in Buffalo waiting to be accompanied by the dreaded red spoke cards. I tagged two people today and got the game rolling. Also the facebook event that I started now has 64 members eager to get involved. Some have cards and some speak of wanting this game spread to their cities. As of right now my buddy Matt in Philly is getting a group of people to start it up sometime next week. This is all so exciting not only for me, but also for everyone else involved. Anyone that wasn't able to get a card head to Campus Wheelworks ( as soon as possible to pick one up there are only a few left there. Mike D. and I will be making up more spoke cards next week that have the rules on the back and then shoving them in everyone and anyone's spokes.

The first two people tagged were:
Emily C and Benji

Hopefully we can keep track of who gets tagged and keep some sort of score sheet type idea. For now I will be keeping track of the its and eventually have a link up to a page that lists everyone.

Goodluck out there!

I still haven't been able to get these photos I edited the other day up here because I don't have a card reader. Soon..


Monday, February 16, 2009


So I was going to post a bunch of old photos that I got around to editing last night while eating delicious roasted marshmallows dipped in fondue chocolate, but I just realized I no longer have a card reader because the Fedexkinkos employee that printed out the Bike tag spoke cards for me neglected to return my card and the reader I supplied with it. A little upset at my own loss, but I am so happy that people really like the bike tag idea. I have handed out around 30 cards now. They all don't have owners, but will in the next couple of days. I think about 13 people are riding with the green game cards now. Tomorrow I am going to tag someone and get this game out of my hands and into the participants. Again if you tag someone it would be really nice to give them a small prize. Such as a piece of candy, a dollar bill, etc. I will have the photos up tomorrow hopefully.

Also we are working on a short trailer for the March All City race. It should be up in the next week or so. Keep an eye out!

Word on the street is:
Bike Polo starts this Saturday. I'll have more info up when I know a bit more.

Ps. Don't be afraid to get a hold of me and help out. The more help the better and the more people involved the better. Tell all of your friends.

Watch your back..,

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Bike Tag!

Last night a few friends (Mike D. and I) I got together and came up with what we think is an original game. Maybe not...

So here is how we are going to play. Everyone who wants in on the game gets a special spoke card that denotes they are a participant in the game of tag. Then there is one card that is the orange "You're it" card. All but one person start out with the green hiding cards. Through out the course of the day, week, month, year, however long the game lasts the person who has the it card has to tag another player when they see their bike locked up somewhere in the city. This person becomes it and then has to tag someone else. Also for a little bit more fun the tagger has the option of leaving a note on the persons bike. Maybe something cool to do, a phone number, or even a little prize for the person they just tagged.

I am going to get the spoke cards made up today. Anyone from Buffalo who wants in on this get a hold of me. Email or something and I will try to get a spoke card to you today!


Friday, February 13, 2009

Jerksgiving Photos

Well it certainly took me a long time to get these up seeing the race happened around Thanksgiving. I don't know why it took me so long. Maybe it was a general lack of interest in the photos when I first reviewed them. Sometimes that's what it takes to really connect with a few images. Forget about them until they come to you. Word on the street is there is going to be a race coming up in March. Keep an eye out for a post about it sometime in the near future.


Bills Helmet



IMG_6815 as Smart Object-1

Also some good news to speak of. It is almost warm out and all you fair weather riders can return to the streets! I am so excited to be joined by the swarms of people that let their bike sit in the basement all winter and collect dust. I guess that is probably better for your bike though. You can always wipe dust off. The salt and dirt that is caked all over my bike probably isn't doing it any good. Oh and the rust... Geez I don't even know what to do about that. It has been so lonely on the streets that I have begun singing on my rides.

I hope everyone the best of luck riding when the warm weather hits!
